Monday, January 23, 2017

Blog 13

Fear, Rage Sleeplessness and then

Since the election my husband Patrick and  wake up at the same time in the middle of the night and find that we are both ruminating about Donald Trump.  My dentist tells me there are increased cases of MTJ as people clench their teeth.  My friend Jonathan who has seen a lot of upheaval throughout the world feels afraid for the first time.  The  threatening movement afoot in our country has seeped into our psyches and souls.  So how can we unpack it so we return to health and have energy for our lives and for political action?

My latest effort is to read The Book of Joy b
 before I go to bed.  I imagine the Dalai Lama and Archbishop Tutu speaking to me.  They remind me of the long view of history and how we humans have the capacity to care for one another even as we have the capacity  to harm.  Archbishop Tutu gives me permission to feel and to express my feelings as I move through this difficult time.  He sees no contradiction between our expression of extreme feelings and our ability to take action against injustice.  We need time for both,but not in the same moment.  Ruth Bader Ginsberg reminds us that  “reacting in anger or annoyance will not advance one’s ability to persuade.”   

I  remember walking on Limontour Beach up on the Pt. Reyes National Seashore many years ago.   I was fighting Kaiser at the time for home care for my first husband Ron who had ALS.  I walked and screamed until I could scream no more. Then I drove home and went back to work to get him the medical care he needed.    For me, the Women’s Marches were a glorious expression of our pent up feelings in the very best sense of expression and action.  And more will follow.   

Music Speaks
This week I am turning more to music rather than  to words.

To cleanse the soul and be transported.  I recommend Emmanuel Ax on the piano.  A magnificent form of protest.

For political protest  I recommend a new protest song by Gary Lapow

For those of you who prefer irony and humor here’s and original from my college friend Silvio Gaggi

Golden Showers (adapted from the Beatles’ medley “Golden Slumbers,” “Carry that Weight,” and “The End”)

To Donald Trump, with love and compassion.
(sung by a dancing blond with a Russian accent, sexy but also maternal)
1. “Golden Showers”
Once you were a king
You ruled a kingdom
Once you were a king
You had such power
Tweet little Donny 
Don’t be shy
And I will tweet you a reply:
Golden Showers
Fill your eyes
Glistening rain streams
Down my thighs
Tweet little Donny 
Don’t be shy
And I will tweet you a reply.
Once you were a king
You ruled a kingdom
Once you were a king
You had such power
Tweet little Donny 
Don’t be shy
And I will tweet you a reply. (No break):
2. “The Hate”
Trump, you’re gonna carry that hate
Carry that hate a long time
Trump, you’re gonna carry that hate
Carry that hate a long time
(Instrumental interlude)
I never give you my pillow
I only give you some titillation
But in the middle of my micturation
You break down.
Trump, you’re gonna carry that hate
Carry that hate a long time
Trump, you’re gonna carry that hate
Carry that hate a long time
(beginning of transition to coda, faster):
Oh yeah! All right!
Am I gonna pee in your dreams tonight?
(extended instrumental section, insistent drumbeat, frenzied guitar solo, voices in background repeat “Love me, love me,” music intensifies, then abruptly shifts to a single chord repeated on the piano, still presto and still insistent, leading to the coda, with no break):
CODA. “The End”
And in the end
The hate you take 
Is equal to the hate you make. (Ritardando, more softly, but serious, sincere, and loving)
S. Gagg 


From Peter Yedidia
Help change republican districts into democratic districts join:

From Indivisible:
Join Us: National Day of Action
On Tuesday, January 24, local groups across America are visiting their senators’ offices and demanding that they reject Trump’s unqualified, corrupt Cabinet nominees. Thousands of local activists like you have already committed to opposing this cast of racists, cronies, and kleptocrats by taking this in-person action. Join us, #standindivisible, and send the videos, pictures, and stories from your actions to

Three Indivisible Actions This Week
1) Keep the Heat on Trump's Divisive Cabinet Nominees: Hearings for many of Donald's cabinet nominees may have occurred last week, but the fight is far from over. Ethical scandals, financial conflicts, and outstanding questions plague many nominees. There's still time to block nominees like the four highlighted below. Call and visit your Senators to tell them to oppose these nominees!

Today, Monday, January 23rd: There’s one big vote up today:
Rex Tillerson, long-time CEO of ExxonMobil, for Secretary of State. Unsurprisingly he expressed skepticism about the dangers of climate change during his confirmation hearing.
Tomorrow, Tuesday January 24th: Two big votes up tomorrow:
Jeff Sessions for Attorney General. Sessions has regularly opposed civil rights legislation and he has extreme anti-immigration views.
Tom Price for Secretary of Health and Human Services. Price is a radical conservative and there are also unanswered ethical questions swirling around his nomination.
2) Tell Your Representative, "Vote No on HR 7, Yes for Women's Healthcare".
Seriously, republicans are planning to respond to Saturday's historic Women's March in Washington with a vote on HR 7, a bill that would restrict women's reproductive rights. It’s not the first time Republicans have tried to pass this anti-woman bill.
3) Continue to Defend Obamacare: Tell Congress to #ProtectOurCare
With committees in Congress now working on ACA repeal legislation, Trump is now even closer to dismantling the health care law. Continue to tell your MoCs that you won’t stand by and let 30 million people lose their healthcare.
Spread the word
Help us spotlight your group’s Day of Action! Take pictures and videos and share them with us at Or, use #indivisible and tag @IndivisibleTeam on Twitter or post them to
Americans are ready to fight back, and we know that when we stand indivisible, we will win.
In solidarity,
The Indivisible Guide Team

Indivisible Euclid Berkeley Group formed and active.  New facebook page Indivisible Euclid. 


  1. Thanks, Ellen. A friend calls her recent wakeful nights "Trumpsomnia."

  2. Glad to hear I'm not the only sleepless one. And I appreciate the book suggestion.

    One thing I just saw today about some skepticism (in the Daily Kos) about who's behind it, and whether it's primarily a vehicle for collecting contact info.

    I have signed up myself, but realize it would have been wise to look for names of the people behind it before doing so. We are going to have many offers for such organizations and I'm going to try and remember to be more thoughtful about signing up for them.

    Just passing this along for your readers' information.

  3. Thanks Monica. We will keep our eye on Swingleft. They sent us relevant information about District 10 near us where a Republican won by only 8000 votes.
