Thursday, March 2, 2017

Blog 20
March 2, 2017

Pace Yourself – It’s Working

So I’ve been stuck on my couch with a hacking cough. I tried to ignore my body, but guess what?  It won. Now, I am forced to rest and stream deliciously distracting mini- series, drink cups of hot tea with gobs of honey and bowls of Saul’s chicken soup. Word to the wise, rest sooner when feeling ill.

On another note, in the mist of my confusion about what to do next, news of what is working is creeping in.  It is clear, we are in this for the long haul, and it is crucial that we document the growing effects of everyone's actions.  Problem stories are most often told.  Sadly, the media, for good reasons, is flooded with hard, frightening stories), but stories of successful resistance are bubbling to the surface.

I particularly pay attention to the local stories of actions by my fellow indivisible partners, and track how friends in the Latino community are supporting each other. I celebrated when I heard that my husband's African American Catholic church St. Colomba became the first Sanctuary Church in Oakland over the bishop’s objections. I cheered when I was able to reach a staffer in Dianne Feinstein’s Washington D.C. office and register my protest about the violence against the Jewish community and asked her to do the same.

The following email from Sister District .org was particularly emboldening:

“In case you haven’t heard, we have our first Sister District victory in hand.  Stephanie Hansen won the Delaware Senate Race on Saturday. And not only did she win-she crushed it.

It’s Working

Stephanie’s win is more than a single victory.  This is evidence that when we mobilize for down-ballot candidates, we can have a huge impact.  This is how we’re going to take our country back, one election at a time.”

And one more:


Wise Words

Moving and powerful video from Valerie Kaur sent to me by Chloe Graef on facebook.  Take the time to watch particularly, if you are losing focus or feeling despondent about what we are facing.

Morning Meditation- Intention Setting: The Book of Joy: Lasting Happiness in a Changing World by the Dalai Lama and Archbishop Desmond Tutu

“Every conscious action begins with intention, which is simply setting goals.  Many Tibetan monks do this each morning as a way of preparing their mind and heart for how they wish to face the day.  They also check in with their intentions regularly, when preparing to sit in meditation or when undertaking an important task.”

I find that this practice can be done as part of a daily mediation practice, if you have one o,r lying in bed before you get up and asking yourself:  “What is my heart’s desire?  What do I wish for myself, for my loved ones, and for the world?” And then stating to yourself your intention for the day.  Before going to bed I often check back in to see if, how, when I met my intention for the day.


Call your MOCs and ask them to speak out against the recent violence against Jewish communities throughout the country.  Some reports that reaching MOC’s staffer is more possible right now.S

Disseminate information about immigrant rights

March 4th Facebook Protest across the country

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