Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Blog 22
March 14, 2017

More than one way to skin a cat

Thanks to a comment on Facebook by Linda Longo-Lockspeier I am looking to alternative pathways when I am blocked.  Linda suggested that we write to Paul Ryan’s home address (listed below under actions) protesting the new “replacement” health care bill.  Seems like Ryan has blocked all possible feedback mechanisms after soliciting opinions from the public.  I gather his approach is if he doesn’t like the opinions he shuts them down. 

 offered other pathways.  My favorite of hers is “Don’t Get Used to Trump-Get Away From Him. The onslaught of news about him can overwhelm our brains which are constructed to adapt when we get flooded.  Adapting to Trump is a horrible thought.

The Sanctuary Movement is another great example of creating alternative pathways.  In fact, the designation of a Sanctuary City or Place is not a legal designation.  However, Sanctuary Cities and Places have developed many ways to subvert the incursion of immigration agents into their territories. My husband Patrick did some research about this and recommends the following articles:  http://www.cbsnews.com/news/donald-trump-undocumented-immigrants-deportation-churches-sanctuary/ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sanctuary_movement.

Another approach to being blocked is to learn more than the other guy. For instance, learning what is really in the Republican proposed budget. From the last Resist Letter (Talia@gmail.com -First Guest Letter)
A senior policy analyst at The Center for Budget and Policy Priorities has stated that [the proposed cuts to HUD would impact those in low-income housing the worst as rental assistance programs make up the majority of HUD’s budget. In a statement released last week, Diane Yentel, National Low Income Housing Coalition President and CEO, has said, “The proposed cuts would devastate critical programs that keep roofs over the heads of some of the most vulnerable people in our communities. They are in direct contrast to Mr. Trump’s promises to revitalize distressed communities and ensure that ‘nobody’s going to be dying on the street’ from homelessness.
Also hit hard in the proposed budget are:
·       NOAA, 
·       the EPA,
·       Education, and 
·       the State Department

Meanwhile the defense budget is to see a large increase.
This proposed budget is hanging in the balance while the Republican Congress tries to push through Trumpcare, which is based on the fiscal 2017 budget resolution’s reconciliation instructions. Though, it will eventually be the responsibility of the House and Senate Budget Committees to review the proposed 2018 budget and send a budget resolution to their respective houses for a vote.”
With information under our belts we can confront our MOC’s with passion, and with facts.
So, whether you plan to step back, step around, go deeper or any other tricky move you can think of, we will skin this cat.
Wise words
Poem based on theme word Perseverance expressed at Indivisible Euclid Meeting
A heaviness stirs inside
Deflecting, sidelining
Stamina and struggle.

Like a wall of rocks

Littered with debris
It saps our energy
Our will to prevail.

But then
Within the wall,
We see a tiny flower
Blooming, beautiful –

A tribute to commitment
Overcoming our panic
Providing our grounding
Renewing our hope.
Abby Wolfson

From Kaethe Weingarten’s Facebook:
From a poem by Denise Levertov:
We have only begun to know
the power that is in us if we would join
our solitudes in the communion of struggle.
So much is unfolding that must
complete its gesture,
so much is in bud.
~ Denise Levertov ~
(Candles in Babylon)

Send postcards to Paul Ryan’s home address protesting the proposed healthcare “replacement” act.
Paul Ryan, 700 St. Lawrence Avenue,Janesville, WI. 53545
Deluge the White House with protest postcards on March 15. 1600 Pennsylvania NW Washington, D.C. 20050
Follow www.Sisterdistrict.org.  They are now organizing across the country.
Check out www.KnockEveryDoor.org who are working on getting out the vote.

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